Condescending Wonka

So you think you can clean this place up Seems to be working very well

So you think you can clean this place up Seems to be working very well  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you can't find time to work out? Please tell me all about how you reached level 297 in candy crush

Oh, you can't find time to work out? Please tell me all about how you reached level 297 in candy crush  Condescending Wonka

oh, has escrito un post larguisimo sobre lo bonito que es twitter estas cambiando el mundo

oh, has escrito un post larguisimo sobre lo bonito que es twitter estas cambiando el mundo
  Condescending Wonka

Mode bitch: on oh no, corramos por nuestra vida.

Mode bitch: on oh no, corramos por nuestra vida.  Condescending Wonka

You watched a documentary about the dangers of meat? You must know way more than everybody who's been doing it for thousands of years and not died.

You watched a documentary about the dangers of meat? You must know way more than everybody who's been doing it for thousands of years and not died.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, You Wear An Arc'teryx Fleece? That craftsmanship must come in handy in GEO 211 LECTURE

Oh, You Wear An Arc'teryx Fleece? That craftsmanship must come in handy in GEO 211 LECTURE  Condescending Wonka

Your dad owns 3 yachts? You should tell that at parties.

Your dad owns 3 yachts? You should tell that at parties.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you got a B+ in a class? please. tell me more.

Oh, you got a B+ in a class? please. tell me more.  Condescending Wonka

oh so you drive an SUV? laws of physics must not apply to you when it's snowing

oh so you drive an SUV? laws of physics must not apply to you when it's snowing  Condescending Wonka

Oh, your university has a meme page on facebook? I bet it's hilarious

Oh, your university has a meme page on facebook? I bet it's hilarious  Condescending Wonka
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