Condescending Wonka

You just realized your Ex, who is the father of your child, is a bad person? Must be such a surprise sense you thought he was such a winner when you two were together.

You just realized your Ex, who is the father of your child, is a bad person? Must be such a surprise sense you thought he was such a winner when you two were together.  Condescending Wonka

Oh your Hawks just defeated the Cards? You must be the best team on the planet!

Oh your Hawks just defeated the Cards? You must be the best team on the planet!  Condescending Wonka

Oh you think making guns illegal will stop people using them? Please tell all about how no one smokes pot

Oh you think making guns illegal will stop people using them? Please tell all about how no one smokes pot  Condescending Wonka

You spend your days living in a box travelling in boxes to other boxes to stare at boxes all day And you ask why we need chocolate?

You spend your days living in a box travelling in boxes to other boxes to stare at boxes all day  And you ask why we need chocolate?  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you think r/circljerk should be closed? Tell me more about those [le] gems you found.

Oh, you think r/circljerk should be closed? Tell me more about those [le] gems you found.  Condescending Wonka

Oh you Drive a integra tell me how fast you vtec

Oh you  Drive a integra tell me how fast you vtec  Condescending Wonka

you landed a grab at 100 range? you must be the blitzcrank ever

you landed a grab at 100 range? you must be the blitzcrank ever  Condescending Wonka

so, you're on the paleo diet? I assume you've spent 30 years studying this topic as a bioarchaeologist and not as an impressionable consumer in one afternoon with a rag magazine.

so, you're on the paleo diet? I assume you've spent 30 years studying this topic as a bioarchaeologist and not as an impressionable consumer in one afternoon with a rag magazine.  Condescending Wonka

Oh you're a dead meme? You sure deserve to be upvoted

Oh you're a dead meme? You sure deserve to be upvoted   Condescending Wonka

So, you cut the federal budget and saw a record fall in unemployment? Please, enlighten me with your Austrian economic policies

So, you cut the federal budget and saw a record fall in unemployment? Please, enlighten me with your Austrian economic policies  Condescending Wonka
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