Condescending Wonka

Oh, you you're posting non-stop about KOBY 2012 tell me how you've always been a humanitarian

Oh, you you're posting non-stop about KOBY 2012 tell me how you've always been a humanitarian   Condescending Wonka

Oh, you watched the Kony2012 video? Please tell me how much you care about those children all of a sudden...

Oh, you watched the Kony2012 video? Please tell me how much you care about those children all of a sudden...  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you walk around your college campus playing a guitar? I bet you get laid all the time

Oh, you walk around your college campus playing a guitar? I bet you get laid all the time  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you can lift more weight than me? please go ahead and stare me down while I work out

Oh, you can lift more weight than me? please go ahead and stare me down while I work out  Condescending Wonka

Saw you at the the Hardcore show... ...loved your karate moves.

Saw you at the the Hardcore show... ...loved your karate moves.  Condescending Wonka

So, you and thirty of your closest greek friends planned an outing complete with certified transportation, costume theme, and catering? Please explain to me again why you don't have an I.D.

So, you and thirty of your closest greek friends planned an outing complete with certified transportation, costume theme, and catering? Please explain to me again why you don't have an I.D.  Condescending Wonka

Oh you found a condescending Wonka meme... Please continue informing me of how clever you are, I would never have picked up on that

Oh you found a condescending Wonka meme... Please continue informing me of how clever you are, I would never have picked up on that  Condescending Wonka

You're not religious, but you're "spiritual"? Fascinating.

You're not religious, but you're

They call you the son of satan You must be a very terrible man, tell me more about your pictures at the graveyard

They call you the son of satan You must be a very terrible man, tell me more about your pictures at the graveyard  Condescending Wonka

oh you cut the sleeves off your shirt? you must be so big and strong

oh you cut the sleeves off your shirt? you must be so big and strong  Condescending Wonka
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