Condescending Wonka

Your pain is a 10/10? Must be from dragging that IV pole to go smoke

Your pain is a 10/10? Must be from dragging that IV pole to go smoke  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you're a Laker Hater? Tell me how many championships your team has won.

Oh, you're a Laker Hater? Tell me how many championships your team has won.  Condescending Wonka

So tell me How many inches of your lifted truck makes up for your little dick?

So tell me How many inches of your lifted truck makes up for your little dick?  Condescending Wonka

oh, this isnt how you used to do it? tell me how the old way is so much better.

oh, this isnt how you used to do it? tell me how the old way is so much better.  Condescending Wonka

Oh Aaron murphy you chew everyday? please do keep telling everyone about it

Oh Aaron murphy you chew everyday? please do keep telling everyone about it  Condescending Wonka

Oh, youre posting about a woman impregnated by a squid? I'm sure you'll be OP.

Oh, youre posting about a woman impregnated by a squid?
 I'm sure you'll be OP.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, Man Utd sucks for losing to a team ranked 10 in the La Liga? Now please tell me how Chelsea won the UCL being ranked 6 in the EPL

Oh, Man Utd sucks for losing to a team ranked 10 in the La Liga? Now please tell me how Chelsea won the UCL being ranked 6 in the EPL  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you saw on Facebook something happened in court today Please, tell me all about how you know so much about ObamaCare

Oh, you saw on Facebook something happened in court today Please, tell me all about how you know so much about ObamaCare  Condescending Wonka

Oh, the new Madea movie isn't any good? So the sky is still blue, then?

Oh, the new Madea movie isn't any good? So the sky is still blue, then?  Condescending Wonka

So a boy talked to you? They must be so in love with you

So a boy talked to you? They must be so in love with you  Condescending Wonka
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