Condescending Wonka

You watch fight videos on viddy? You must think your awesome for seeing two people humping eachother for 15 seconds

You watch fight videos on viddy? You must think your awesome for seeing two people humping eachother for 15 seconds  Condescending Wonka

oh, you have an art degree? I'm sure your parents' fridge is decorated beautifully

oh, you have an art degree? I'm sure your parents' fridge is decorated beautifully  Condescending Wonka

Oh, You're going to Madison Tech for College? You must have big plans for the future

Oh, You're going to Madison Tech for College? You must have big plans for the future  Condescending Wonka

Oh, so you are only 6'3"? Please tell me how hard life is for you

Oh, so you are only 6'3

oh, you only date black guys? you probably have a lot of self-esteem

oh, you only date black guys? you probably have a lot of self-esteem  Condescending Wonka

So you were there the night The Bird Cage burnt down? Tell me how much you loved that place & how much you'll miss it.

So you were there the night The Bird Cage burnt down? Tell me how much you loved that place & how much you'll miss it.  Condescending Wonka

oh, you like dubstep? Please, share it with the rest of us through your phone speakers

oh, you like dubstep?
 Please, share it with the rest of us through your phone speakers  Condescending Wonka

Ya don't say So now same-sex marriage is Super Duper banned in your state.

Ya don't say So now same-sex marriage is Super Duper banned in your state.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you pissed on a USC brochure? Tell me more about how wonderful UCLA's football team is.

Oh, you pissed on a USC brochure? Tell me more about how wonderful UCLA's football team is.  Condescending Wonka

Know what is best about liars? How much bullshit they think they can feed you

Know what is best about liars? How much bullshit they think they can feed you  Condescending Wonka
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