Condescending Wonka

Oh, it's finals week? please tell me more about how going to the library is going to get you a better grade

Oh, it's finals week? please tell me more about how going to the library is going to get you a better grade  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you thought of a clever falcon joke? To bad it isn't still yesterday.

Oh, you thought of a clever falcon joke? To bad it isn't still yesterday.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, so you drive a ford? you must be a professional mechanic by now

Oh, so you drive a ford? you must be a professional mechanic by now  Condescending Wonka

skal ikkje til hemsedal fordi du ikkje gidde, har penga eller skal jobbe? eg kjenner eg gler meg meir og meir til russetida med denne supre gjengen!

skal ikkje til hemsedal fordi du ikkje gidde, har penga eller skal jobbe? eg kjenner eg gler meg meir og meir til russetida med denne supre gjengen!  Condescending Wonka

You want me to run around all day playing a game with a 69 page rulebook? please tell me how i'll be such a better officer afterwards

You want me to run around all day playing a game with a 69 page rulebook? please tell me how i'll be such a better officer afterwards  Condescending Wonka

So you lived with your rich mother in Forrest Hill and Starred in degrassi please tell me more about how you started from the bottom

So you lived with your rich mother in Forrest Hill and Starred in degrassi please tell me more about how you started from the bottom  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you made a Harlem Shake video? I can't wait to watch it

Oh, you made a Harlem Shake video? I can't wait to watch it  Condescending Wonka

Oh you sell Dime bags in lansford please tell me more about how Gangsta you are

Oh you sell Dime bags in lansford  please tell me more about how Gangsta you are  Condescending Wonka

oh you drive a chevy? you must need a ride

oh you drive a chevy? you must need a ride  Condescending Wonka

Tell me more about how you got better through prayer I'm sure it had nothing to with that juice I brought you

Tell me more about how you got better through prayer I'm sure it had nothing to with that juice I brought you  Condescending Wonka
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