Condescending Wonka

Oh, you broke up with your cokehead boyfriend? How tragic.

Oh, you broke up with your cokehead boyfriend? How tragic.  Condescending Wonka

Cojes Clases Con Fishler Cuentame, Como Se Siente Coger Clases Con El Mejor Profesor De La UPRP?

Cojes Clases Con Fishler Cuentame, Como Se Siente Coger Clases Con El Mejor Profesor De La UPRP?  Condescending Wonka

oh, you're teaching a lecture? Spring break starts in less than 24 hours so uhh...

oh, you're teaching a lecture? Spring break starts in less than 24 hours so uhh...  Condescending Wonka

You posted on facebook about Kony 2012. Tell me more about how you always cared about the Ugandan kids.

You posted on facebook about Kony 2012. Tell me more about how you always cared about the Ugandan kids.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you're wearing a flat bill baseball hat? Tell me how much of a fan you are

Oh, you're wearing a flat bill baseball hat? Tell me how much of a fan you are  Condescending Wonka

Oh, You're a housewife? whine, I mean tell me all about having no "me" time monday thru friday 9am-3pm

Oh, You're a housewife? whine, I mean tell me all about having no

Oh, You've been a redditor for one month? Tell me all about "originality"

Oh, You've been a redditor for one month? Tell me all about

Oh, you stole a mildly offensive meme from reddit and put it on VCU's meme page? You must be so daring and original.

Oh, you stole a mildly offensive meme from reddit and put it on VCU's meme page? You must be so daring and original.  Condescending Wonka

oh, you're alumni? please, bless us all with your time-tested wisdom

oh, you're alumni? please, bless us all with your time-tested wisdom  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you have a soc midterm tomorrow? You must've memorized so many slides

Oh, you have a soc midterm tomorrow? You must've memorized so many slides  Condescending Wonka
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