Condescending Wonka

Oh so you need some clean urine? Steal it from a co-worker, that'll work

Oh so you need some clean urine? Steal it from a co-worker, that'll work  Condescending Wonka

Wow, really? Your aumakua is a Shark? please, tell me how you are a real Hawaiian?

Wow, really? Your aumakua is a Shark? please, tell me how you are a real Hawaiian?  Condescending Wonka

Oh, so the Disney princesses are your role models? Rosa Parks' life isn't nearly as inspirational as Ariel's.

Oh, so the Disney princesses are your role models? Rosa Parks' life isn't nearly as inspirational as Ariel's.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you are that pro feat? please, tell me more about how you kill jet with xbow and m320

Oh, you are that pro feat? please, tell me more about how you kill jet with xbow and m320  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you're just working here until something better comes along? I OWN YOU

Oh, you're just working here until something better comes along? I OWN YOU  Condescending Wonka

So everyone who likes wearing fedoras only does so to try seducing women? You must know everything about people's intentions and personal preferences.

So everyone who likes wearing fedoras only does so to try seducing women? You must know everything about people's intentions and personal preferences.  Condescending Wonka

Gun laws would prevent shooting sprees? please tell me more about how criminals follow laws

Gun laws would prevent shooting sprees? please tell me more about how criminals follow laws  Condescending Wonka

So Shankle, you outlawed all food and drinks we really learned a lesson

So Shankle, you outlawed all food and drinks we really learned a lesson  Condescending Wonka

Oh you go to YOLO Mondays at Wonderland Sutton? That explains the flashing lights on your trainers #Youngerland #Wankerland

Oh you go to YOLO Mondays at Wonderland Sutton? That explains the flashing lights on your trainers #Youngerland #Wankerland  Condescending Wonka

Want to ban guns? Please tell me more about how we can facilitate the elite to enslave us

Want to ban guns? Please tell me more about how we can facilitate the elite to enslave us   Condescending Wonka
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