Condescending Fox

AN ARTIST WITH A JOB? fucking hilarious.

 fucking hilarious.  Condescending Fox

Just got out of casual gaming? Isn't that Precious

Just got out of casual gaming?
 Isn't that Precious  Condescending Fox

so you're a hipster? that's a good one

so you're a hipster? that's a good one   Condescending Fox

So you're a militant feminist? Isn't that cute

So you're a militant feminist? Isn't that cute  Condescending Fox

you love korean popstars? wait, how tall is he again?

you love korean popstars?
 wait, how tall is he again?  Condescending Fox

Programacion Bien, pero bien bien bien pendejas

 Bien, pero bien bien bien pendejas  Condescending Fox

You donated a whole $5 to Japan tsunami victims? I'm sure they appreciate that.

You donated a whole $5 to Japan tsunami victims? 
 I'm sure they appreciate that.  Condescending Fox

womens studies major? You know, there are cheaper ways to become a wife.

womens studies major?
 You know, there are cheaper ways to become a wife.  Condescending Fox

a eurotrip? How Quaint

a eurotrip? How Quaint  Condescending Fox

Writing many memes about sniffing girl's belongings? who needs sex, hey?

Writing many memes about sniffing girl's belongings? who needs sex, hey?  Condescending Fox
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