College Republican

"i hate it when the media lies to promote their agenda" WATCHES FOX NEWS

"nothing good has come from obamacare" 24 year old student still covered by his parents' health insurance

Abstinence OnLY SeX EdUCAtiON wILl kEEp KIDs fROm hAVinG prEmARItaL SEX. Gun CoNTrOL wON't wORk.

Abstinence OnLY SeX EdUCAtiON wILl kEEp KIDs fROm hAVinG prEmARItaL SEX. Gun CoNTrOL wON't wORk.  College Republican

is a republican because "they're the party of personal responsibility" blames every problem in the country on obama and liberals

is a republican because

"ACLU? More like ACL-Jew" Loves freedom

Gets wasted on the weekends goes to church on sunday

Gets wasted on the weekends goes to church on sunday  College Republican

Down with Big Government! Supports SOPA and NDAA

Down with Big Government! Supports SOPA and NDAA  College Republican

Thinks protesting capitalism with iPhone is ironic Accepts Public Tuition Grant

Thinks protesting capitalism with iPhone is ironic Accepts Public Tuition Grant  College Republican

Government should stay out of citizen's lives! ...unless they're muslims

Government should stay out of citizen's lives! ...unless they're muslims  College Republican

Is a conservative Doesn't believe in environmental conservation

Is a conservative Doesn't believe in environmental conservation  College Republican
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