College Liberal

Vegan Eats gelatin

Vegan Eats gelatin  College Liberal

Spends morning taking final exam Spends afternoon knitting at home.

Spends morning taking final exam Spends afternoon knitting at home.  College Liberal

can't think of a good response to a conservative argument resorts to name-calling

can't think of a good response to a conservative argument resorts to name-calling  College Liberal

Occupies Wall Street Accomplishes nothing

Occupies Wall Street Accomplishes nothing  College Liberal

We need to protect the enviroment Smokes parliament cigarettes

We need to protect the enviroment Smokes parliament cigarettes  College Liberal

Vegetarian and wears clothes made by fair paid workers Has an iPhone and MacBook

Vegetarian and wears clothes made by fair paid workers Has an iPhone and MacBook   College Liberal

Shuns most of the world's religions for lack of empirical evidence believes that all possibilities and impossibilities exist simultaneously within an infinite number of realities

Shuns most of the world's religions for lack of empirical evidence believes that all possibilities and impossibilities exist simultaneously within an infinite number of realities  College Liberal

Let me tell you why you're privileged from the $100,000 women's studies degree that my parents paid for

Let me tell you why you're privileged from the $100,000 women's studies degree that my parents paid for  College Liberal

Is wearing Bob Marley costume So Voldemort doesn't find him

Is wearing Bob Marley costume So Voldemort doesn't find him  College Liberal

Devout Feminist Says that immigrants have the right to their "culture" even if it is subjecting women

Devout Feminist  Says that immigrants have the right to their
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