College Liberal

Is Pro Choice No Man will sleep with her

Is Pro Choice No Man will sleep with her  College Liberal

"Sexual advances from men in power are tantamount to rape!" "OMG isn't Bill Clinton amazing?!"

you expected to see my breasts? perverted sexist pig!

you expected to see my breasts? perverted sexist pig!  College Liberal

All races are equal Supports Affirmative Action

All races are equal Supports Affirmative Action  College Liberal

High gas prices Under bush: "he's a stooge for big oil!" High gas prices under Obama: "It's not his fault."

High gas prices Under bush:

something something else

something something else  College Liberal

Complains car pollution gives her trouble breathing smokes 2 packs of cigs everyday

Complains car pollution gives her trouble breathing smokes 2 packs of cigs everyday  College Liberal

AGAINT RACISIM categorize everyone by the color of their skin or religion

AGAINT RACISIM categorize everyone by the color of their skin or religion
  College Liberal

Religion is stupid Believes in about every new age concept ever

Religion is stupid Believes in about every new age concept ever  College Liberal

fuck war we're at war with the government, man

fuck war we're at war with the government, man  College Liberal
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