College Liberal

Complains about not being able to find a "real" job Majored in Dance

Complains about not being able to find a

believes america needs more government regulation wears an anarchy patch on jacket

believes america needs more government regulation wears an anarchy patch on jacket  College Liberal

Doesn't believe in God or absolute good and evil Believes God is absolutely evil

Doesn't believe in God or absolute good and evil Believes God is absolutely evil  College Liberal

Racists endorse Ron Paul. Ron Paul is a racist. Obama and Jeremiah Wright are two different people

Racists endorse Ron Paul. Ron Paul is a racist. Obama and Jeremiah Wright are two different people  College Liberal

if you don't Turn in your guns children will die Pro-Choice

if you don't Turn in your guns
children will die Pro-Choice  College Liberal

Thinks you shouldn't kill bugs because everything has the right to live is pro choice

Thinks you shouldn't kill bugs because everything has the right to live is pro choice  College Liberal

I'm a strong, independent woman can you open this pickle jar for me?

I'm a strong, independent woman  can you open this pickle jar for me?  College Liberal

Complains about Republicans restricting free speech Calls for Conservative AM Talk Radio DJS to silenced permanently

Complains about Republicans restricting free speech Calls for Conservative AM Talk Radio DJS to silenced permanently  College Liberal

Hates stereotypes But people from the South are backward, hillbilly, racist, stupid, inbred Idiots.

Hates stereotypes But people from the South are backward, hillbilly, racist, stupid, inbred Idiots.  College Liberal

Says holocaust skeptics are the most despicable people on the planet Says that 60 million russian christians that were killed by jewish bolsheviks deserved it

Says holocaust skeptics are the most despicable people on the planet Says that 60 million russian christians that were killed by jewish bolsheviks deserved it  College Liberal
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