College Liberal

Fights for the "right" to murder the unborn Sleeps in trees so they cant be cut down

Fights for the

Pretends to be a hippie Is really Steve fucking Zahn in a wig.

Pretends to be a hippie Is really Steve fucking Zahn in a wig.  College Liberal

Upvotes all stories on ending the drug war Links still blue

Upvotes all stories on ending the drug war Links still blue  College Liberal

Thinks background checks on buying guns is a good idea Drug tests for people on welfare are a hassle

Thinks background checks on buying guns is a good idea Drug tests for people on welfare are a hassle  College Liberal

explosions cause by homemade bombs at boston marathon blames the bomber(s) crazed gunman shoots up school balmes guns and nra

explosions cause by homemade bombs at boston marathon blames the bomber(s) crazed gunman shoots up school balmes guns and nra  College Liberal

Claims to be christian believes in karma

Claims to be christian believes in karma  College Liberal

Calls sporting goods store for spears wants "The ethnic tribal kind"

Calls sporting goods store  for spears wants

Believes everyone is equal Doesn't believe its her job to take out the trash.

Believes everyone is equal  Doesn't believe its her job to take out the trash.  College Liberal

Is a 'free and independent spirit' Lives with her parents

Is a 'free and independent spirit' Lives with her parents  College Liberal

wants to end the drug war and u.s. prison culture demands lindsey lohan do hard time

wants to end the drug war and u.s. prison culture demands lindsey lohan do hard time  College Liberal
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