College Liberal

vegan smokes

vegan smokes  College Liberal

I'm so... Not fantasizing about that chick

I'm so... Not fantasizing about that chick  College Liberal

"the laffer curve is a stupid idea" supports cigarette tax to stop smoking

Makes a shitty meme and does so completely incorrectly Gets pissed and calls you a conformist when you call him out on it

Makes a shitty meme and does so completely incorrectly  Gets pissed and calls you a conformist when you call him out on it  College Liberal

Complains about civilian casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan does not care about civilian casualties in WWII

Complains about civilian casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan  does not care about civilian casualties in WWII  College Liberal

Won't vaccinate baby due to "chemicals". "Whooping cough is all natural, right?"

Won't vaccinate baby due to

I am pro-choice. We should ban 2L Coke

I am pro-choice. We should ban 2L Coke  College Liberal

"Religion is the opiate of the masses" Goes to India for spiritual journey

is an atheist reads horoscope daily

is an atheist reads horoscope daily  College Liberal

"Mass production has no soul" "All furniture = IKEA"

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