College Liberal

Thinks the rich should "share the wealth" Puts pennies in the tip jar

Thinks the rich should

"big banks are evil and destroying this country" Has bank of America account

thinks it's sexist when more men are in a career field than women. doesn't bat an eye when a career is dominated by women

thinks it's sexist when more men are in a career field than women.  doesn't bat an eye when a career is dominated by women  College Liberal

"the way americans eat is disgusting, we would be much healthier if we ate a fully organic diet" eats tv dinners for lunch literally every day

Looks like sally! Smells like Sally! is'nt sally

Looks like sally! Smells like Sally! is'nt sally  College Liberal

I was once lazy and smelled of HOT sewage Till I met Flour City and they motivated me

I was once lazy and smelled of HOT sewage Till I met Flour City and they motivated me   College Liberal

supports occupy wall street future investment banker

supports occupy wall street future investment banker  College Liberal

was in band in high school and wore american eagle took liberal arts 101 and intro to painting first semester and became this

was in band in high school and wore american eagle took liberal arts 101 and intro to painting first semester and became this  College Liberal

Denounces religion as lies propaganda and mythology Still believes oswald shot jfk

Denounces religion as lies propaganda and mythology Still believes oswald shot jfk  College Liberal

"If you're male, you're not allowed to have an opinion on abortion is male; has an opinion on abortion

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