College Liberal

takes her shirt off to "protest womens rights" city decides to ban female toplessness

takes her shirt off to

Complains about the need to develop renewable energy sources Liberal Arts Major

Complains about the need to develop renewable energy sources Liberal Arts Major  College Liberal

Drives prius to peta really prius has leather seats

Drives prius to peta really prius has leather seats  College Liberal

Compains there are no jobs for college grads majors in 12th century english poetry

Compains there are no jobs for college grads majors in 12th century english poetry  College Liberal

The shooter broke 42 laws? we should pass a law so he can't do that.

The shooter broke 42 laws? we should pass a law so he can't do that.  College Liberal


Criticizes Fox news for taking obama's verbal slip out of context Thinks Paul Ryan's slip reveals his inner most thoughts

Criticizes Fox news for taking obama's verbal slip out of context Thinks Paul Ryan's slip reveals his inner most thoughts  College Liberal

Criticizes people for boycotting Oreos Boycotts Chic Fil-A

Criticizes people for boycotting Oreos Boycotts Chic Fil-A  College Liberal

hates fox news constantly quoting the simpsons

hates fox news constantly quoting the simpsons  College Liberal

Wraps self in 1st amendment Tries to destroy 2nd

Wraps self in 1st amendment Tries to destroy 2nd  College Liberal
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