College Liberal

Says women should control their own bodies Tells other womem how to control their own bodies

Says women should control their own bodies Tells other womem how to control their own bodies  College Liberal

Smells like a hobo fucks like a hobo Crack ho mom

Smells like a hobo fucks like a hobo
Crack ho mom  College Liberal

Fills schedule with women studies and english courses Is upset at lack of women in science and math courses

Fills schedule with women studies and english courses Is upset at lack of women in science and math courses  College Liberal

Thinks the criminal justice system should be about rehabilitation and not punishment "I think all sex offenders should have their balls chopped off."

Thinks the criminal justice system should be about rehabilitation and not punishment

Says owning guns cause violence anyway Ignores that Switzerland is one of the most peaceful countries

Says owning guns cause violence anyway Ignores that Switzerland is one of the most peaceful countries  College Liberal

"People assume I don't know what I'm talking about just because of how I dress." Proves them right

Tuition too high Disrupts classes and attacks students

Tuition too high Disrupts classes and attacks students  College Liberal

Protests money in politics during ows donates $10 to the obama campaign

Protests money in politics during ows donates $10 to the obama campaign  College Liberal

"Everyone should be open minded" Won't tolerate Romney supporters

Expects people to pay for lousy jewelry she makes Objects to paying for own contraception

Expects people to pay for lousy jewelry she makes Objects to paying for own contraception  College Liberal
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