College Liberal

Believes in all civil rights except the right to own a gun

Believes in all civil rights  except the right to own a gun  College Liberal

Complains about the media being corrupt Protests Islamic governments for restricting the media

Complains about the media being corrupt Protests Islamic governments  for restricting the media  College Liberal

Talks about how much she loves Fidel Castro To a cuban who just left the country

Talks about how much she loves Fidel Castro To a cuban who just left the country  College Liberal

BIg banking is evil and is destroying this country uses bank of america

BIg banking is evil and is destroying this country uses bank of america  College Liberal

"The black guy who killed a soldier in London does not represent Islam" Believes Brevik represents all christians

Claims to be accepting of all beliefs Spends Time bashing Christians

Claims to be accepting of all beliefs Spends Time bashing Christians  College Liberal

It's her body, she can do what she wants with it stripping is wrong

It's her body, she can do what she wants with it stripping is wrong  College Liberal

hates theocracy and violence supports hamas

hates theocracy and violence supports hamas  College Liberal

quotes founding fathers when she claims a right to something calls them slave-holders when someone claims their rights against her

quotes founding fathers when she claims a right to something calls them slave-holders when someone claims their rights against her  College Liberal

Hates the 1% Defends wealthy liberals

Hates the 1% Defends wealthy liberals  College Liberal
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