College Liberal

Hates white people who don't want to live near black people Doesn't live anywhere near black people

Hates white people who don't want to live near black people Doesn't live anywhere near black people  College Liberal

All opinions are equally valid this opinion is more equally valid than others which contradict it

All opinions are equally valid this opinion is more equally valid than others which contradict it  College Liberal

Calls herself a maoist Lives in manhattan

Calls herself a maoist Lives in manhattan  College Liberal

all healthcare should be free thank you government for the money you stole from with taxes

all healthcare should be free thank you government for the money you stole from with taxes  College Liberal

turned vegetarian for health anemic in 3 months

turned vegetarian for health anemic in 3 months  College Liberal

"The wars in iraq and afghanistan are wrong" Supports the troops

thinks people should build houses for the homeless by not cutting down any trees

thinks people should build houses for the homeless by not cutting down any trees  College Liberal

Facebook Political Status: Moderate Constantly posts liberal articles and pictures from liberal groups

Facebook Political Status: Moderate Constantly posts liberal articles and pictures from liberal groups  College Liberal

wipes with some random leaves dies

wipes with some random leaves dies  College Liberal

Vegan thinks it's wrong to eat unfertilized chicken eggs gets an abortion

Vegan thinks it's wrong to eat unfertilized chicken eggs gets an abortion  College Liberal
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