College Liberal

Calls herself a broke college student has a macbook

Calls herself a broke college student has a macbook  College Liberal

"the african americans..." " africa"

is white thinks she's Jamaican

is white thinks she's Jamaican  College Liberal

Nobody will hire me! Smells like weed and has dreadlocks

Nobody will hire me! Smells like weed and has dreadlocks  College Liberal

OMG SOPa is unconstitutional supports gun control

OMG SOPa is unconstitutional supports gun control  College Liberal

Pretends to be anti-government and anti-oppression Openly supports forcibly disarming civilian populace

Pretends to be anti-government and anti-oppression Openly supports forcibly disarming civilian populace  College Liberal

Staunch Atheist Believes in Astrology

Staunch Atheist  Believes in Astrology  College Liberal

"More government to regulate things like Fannie and Freddie!" Forgets that Fannie and Freddie are government programs

"The american government is oppressing us!" Has never been outside the country

believes communism is a valid alternative to capitalism never buys toilet paper when it's her turn

believes communism is a valid alternative to capitalism never buys toilet paper when it's her turn  College Liberal
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