College Liberal

"I completely support a woman's right to choose... ... except when it comes to joining a union, purchasing insurance, owning a gun, consuming fast food, attending a non-public school, hire based on merit, providing birth control for employees, purchasing

does not believe in the magical existence of souls believes in the magical existence of human rights

does not believe in the magical existence of souls believes in the magical existence of human rights  College Liberal

Protests NDAA Forgets Obama signed NDAA

Protests NDAA Forgets Obama signed NDAA  College Liberal

Dislike of other people, "you racist scum!" Hatred towards white americans, "you show those pigs"

Dislike of other people,

Talks about gender equality and patriarchy Really just wants role reversal

Talks about gender equality and patriarchy Really just wants role reversal  College Liberal

Thinks laws outlawing abortion will create a black market thinks laws regulating weapons sales will not create black market

Thinks laws outlawing abortion will create a black market thinks laws regulating weapons sales will not create black market   College Liberal

Claims stereotypes are bad Lectures class about white privilege

Claims stereotypes are bad Lectures class about white privilege  College Liberal

"We should stop stereotyping genders!" "You're a man, and therefore wrong."

"allowing the government to police & censor the internet is unconstitutional" Supports gun control

Protests War stops when obama is elected

Protests War stops when obama is elected  College Liberal
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