College Liberal

Fights bans on marijuana Defends bans on soft drink sizes

Fights bans on marijuana Defends bans on soft drink sizes  College Liberal

gets upset when someone doesn't show obama the proper amount of respect refers to romney as mittens

gets upset when someone doesn't show obama the proper amount of respect refers to romney as mittens   College Liberal

Has bumper sticker "I am the 99%" Drives brand new Volvo bought by CEO father

Has bumper sticker

wants to breast feed in public. "If you are offended that's your problem" overhears you cussing in your private conversation and asks you to stop because she doesn't like hearing those words

wants to breast feed in public.

is upset about the nsa scandal only blames george bush

is upset about the nsa scandal only blames george bush  College Liberal

Gets mad at christians who pick and choose parts of the bible to follow Picks and chooses parts of the constitution to follow

Gets mad at christians who pick and choose parts of the bible to follow Picks and chooses parts of the constitution to follow  College Liberal

Says bankers contribute nothing of value to society Majored in 14th century women studies

Says bankers contribute nothing of value to society Majored in 14th century women studies  College Liberal

Campaigns for basic hygiene needs of undeveloped countries smells like shit

Campaigns for basic hygiene needs of undeveloped countries smells like shit  College Liberal

wants ndaa, sopa, pipa and the patriot act to be repealed "obama 2012"

wants ndaa, sopa, pipa and the patriot act to be repealed

I'm accepting of everyone Constantly bitches about rich people, christians, and conservatives.

I'm accepting of everyone Constantly bitches about rich people, christians, and conservatives.  College Liberal
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