College Liberal

Calls the Bible a "Load of text no one alive can account for" History Major

Calls the Bible a

concerned about civil rights, rape, and eating disorders more concerned about post limit on tumblr

concerned about civil rights, rape, and eating disorders  more concerned about post limit on tumblr  College Liberal

Believes abortion should be legal Thinks killing animals for food is wrong.

Believes abortion should be legal Thinks killing animals for food is wrong.   College Liberal

police should be filmed and photographed protesters should not

police should be filmed and photographed protesters should not  College Liberal

How dare Arkansas restrict abortion? You can't restrict a right! Unless it's guns.

How dare Arkansas restrict abortion? You can't restrict a right! Unless it's guns.  College Liberal

Outraged that meat eaters kill animals Pro Abortion

Outraged that meat eaters kill animals Pro Abortion  College Liberal

Opposes death penalty Look how Obama killed bin Laden!

Opposes death penalty Look how Obama killed bin Laden!  College Liberal

War is wrong without exception With the exception of when Obama is president

War is wrong without exception With the exception of when Obama is president  College Liberal

Claims alcohol companies encourage underage drinking is an underage drinker

Claims alcohol companies encourage underage drinking is an underage drinker  College Liberal

thinks the government tortures people "they are the only ones who should have guns"

thinks the government tortures people
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