College Freshman

I'm so tired I was up until like midnight doing homework!

I'm so tired I was up until like midnight doing homework!  College Freshman

I have an idea Why don't we just pour it into cups and put ice in it

I have an idea Why don't we just pour it into cups and put ice in it  College Freshman

Goes to first potions class Expects wand waving

Goes to first potions class Expects wand waving  College Freshman

Listens to hip hop on ipod at the highest volume in the library turns it off when a black person enters the room

Listens to hip hop on ipod at the highest volume in the library turns it off when a black person enters the room  College Freshman

Turns in test goes back to his desk and waits for class to end

Turns in test goes back to his desk and waits for class to end  College Freshman

Wants to get in shape nothing but arm curls

Wants to get in shape nothing but arm curls  College Freshman

asked if he's had sex lies

asked if he's had sex lies  College Freshman

talks about how excited he is for school to start bitches about it on the first day

talks about how excited he is for school to start bitches about it on the first day  College Freshman

Stays up all night studying for chemistry exam Passes out and sleeps through exam

Stays up all night studying for chemistry exam Passes out and sleeps through exam  College Freshman

DIes gets dancing banned in small town

DIes gets dancing banned in small town  College Freshman
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