College Freshman

Invited to party Brings 8 other guys

Invited to party Brings 8 other guys  College Freshman

Majors in criminal justice "I'm gonna be a csi"

Majors in criminal justice

No Shave November! no pube life.

No Shave November! no pube life.  College Freshman

gets used to jaywalking on ring tries to cross douglas and gets hit by a bus

gets used to jaywalking on ring tries to cross douglas and gets hit by a bus  College Freshman

watches big bang theory episode thinks he can explain quantum physics

watches big bang theory episode thinks he can explain quantum physics   College Freshman

"Yeah I'll play beirut!" "of course we should use hard liquor!"

Buys sodastream to carbonate vodka dies

Buys sodastream to carbonate vodka dies  College Freshman

I'm an expert on this I wrote a paper about it in high school

I'm an expert on this I wrote a paper about it in high school  College Freshman

One month into Fall Sememster Better buy a longboard

One month into Fall Sememster Better buy a longboard  College Freshman

Finishes final waits for end of class

Finishes final waits for end of class  College Freshman
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