College Freshman

Late For class gets penis stuck in bike chain

Late For class gets penis stuck in bike chain  College Freshman

Needs a Hug Goes to Mrs. Killings

Needs a Hug Goes to Mrs. Killings  College Freshman

Goes to cheba hut "What do the names mean?"

Goes to cheba hut

"stoked to be an independent adult" goes home every weekend

finds out nutella isnt healthy dies

finds out nutella isnt healthy dies  College Freshman

Fall 2012: "My classes are so easy." Spring 2013: "Man, Community College classes are way easier."

Fall 2012:

First bong rip no smoke comes out of mouth, coughs anyway

First bong rip no smoke comes out of mouth, coughs anyway  College Freshman

Pull an all-nighter Dies

Pull an all-nighter Dies  College Freshman

Gets psyched for closing out term on a high note DIES

Gets psyched for closing out term on a high note DIES
  College Freshman

Opposes marijuana and all drugs takes adderall to study for tests

Opposes marijuana and all drugs takes adderall to study for tests  College Freshman
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