College Conservative

I know about Islam and I have "Muslim friends" Has never read the Qur'an, has never been to a Khutbah and gets most of his information of Jihadwatch and Atlasshrugs2000

I know about Islam and I have

Nytimes, Time, CNN, Newsweek, PBS are so biased! Reads,, Newsmax, TheBlaze

Nytimes, Time, CNN, Newsweek, PBS are so biased!
 Reads,, Newsmax, TheBlaze
  College Conservative

Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul

Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul  College Conservative

says white supremacy is a myth thinks jews are white

says white supremacy is a myth thinks jews are white  College Conservative

DEPORT ALL ILLEGALS Never used a Leafblower, harvested a crop, or built a house

DEPORT ALL ILLEGALS Never used a Leafblower, harvested a crop, or built a house  College Conservative

If You're A Liberal: Drink the Donkey Punch!

If You're A Liberal: Drink the Donkey Punch!  College Conservative

Says Obama has a war on religion Because Christianity isn't getting what it wants.

Says Obama has a war on religion  Because Christianity isn't  getting what it wants.   College Conservative

this guy looks really sexy in this suit but i'd never fuck him

this guy looks really sexy in this suit but i'd never fuck him  College Conservative

Writes email to proessor Ends in LOL

Writes email to proessor Ends in LOL  College Conservative

Only listens to songs that are pro-america Thinks Born In The U.S.A. is a patriotic song

Only listens to songs that are pro-america Thinks Born In The U.S.A. is a patriotic song  College Conservative
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