College Conservative

"We need to stop wasteful spending!" Bitches about dod cuts

Blames Obama when economy is bad Never mentions Obama's name when the economy is good

Blames Obama when economy is bad Never mentions Obama's name when the economy is good  College Conservative

"We need to protect intellectual property!" Cannot define intellectual property

wants the usa to go to war doesn't want to enlist

wants the usa to go to war doesn't want to enlist  College Conservative

Claims to have class wears a suit

Claims to have class wears a suit  College Conservative

Says people may misuse guns, but we shouldn't ban them because they also help Says people abuse welfare, so we should abolish it entirely

Says people may misuse guns, but we shouldn't ban them because they also help Says people abuse welfare, so we should abolish it entirely  College Conservative

"I hate it when people abuse the system." Filed for Pathway Oregon.

Parents make their money from knowledge of how different and distinct legal markets are Thinks illegal market for pot and guns are identical

Parents make their money from knowledge of how different and distinct legal markets are Thinks illegal market for pot and guns are identical  College Conservative

Claims he's not racist Against affirmative action

Claims he's not racist Against affirmative action  College Conservative

Praises Papa John for calling out Obamacare for making it harder for him to do business Calls poor libertarians lazy for complaining that state intervention prevents them from creating small businesses

Praises Papa John for calling out Obamacare for making it harder for him to do business  Calls poor libertarians lazy for complaining that state intervention prevents them from creating small businesses  College Conservative
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