Code Monkey

Hear about the webmaster who took his Java compiler to dance class? He wanted to teach it Swing.

Hear about the webmaster who took his Java compiler to dance class?  He wanted to teach it Swing.   Code Monkey

Meanwhile At Student Finance England

Meanwhile  At Student Finance England  Code Monkey

Frustrated with project Vent in fucking variable names

Frustrated with project Vent in fucking variable names  Code Monkey

doesn't work for some people write custom if statement

doesn't work for some people write custom if statement  Code Monkey

Break the build at 5:30 Fix it tomorrow

Break the build at 5:30 Fix it tomorrow  Code Monkey

   Code Monkey

Someone edits your code roll back changes

Someone edits your code roll back changes  Code Monkey

header file included 500 times fix the white space

header file included 500 times fix the white space  Code Monkey

client waiting on work turn off phone

client waiting on work turn off phone  Code Monkey

sandhills wants login page Fuckin code it yourself

sandhills wants login page Fuckin code it yourself  Code Monkey
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