Civilization V Logic

Ghandi demands 52 pieces of Gold Better deploy the nuke

Ghandi demands 52 pieces of Gold Better deploy the nuke  Civilization V Logic

Reinforcements are coming in 200 years

Reinforcements are coming in 200 years  Civilization V Logic

Gandhi is a holy man of peace Biggest user of nukes

Gandhi is a holy man of peace Biggest user of nukes  Civilization V Logic

Dont believe his lies

 Dont believe his lies  Civilization V Logic

Refuse to give Ghandi 52 pieces of Gold Ghandi declares a 1000-year war.

Refuse to give Ghandi 52 pieces of Gold Ghandi declares a 1000-year war.  Civilization V Logic

That would be a good idea

 That would be a good idea  Civilization V Logic

You demand 52 pieces of Gold Gandhi deploys the nuke

You demand 52 pieces of Gold Gandhi deploys the nuke  Civilization V Logic

Discovers Nanotechnology In ancient Ruins

Discovers Nanotechnology In ancient Ruins  Civilization V Logic

He continued to spread his religion I continued to spread the radiation

He continued to spread his religion I continued to spread the radiation  Civilization V Logic

A game with 11 different religions available only religion ever wanted is thawmusism

A game with 11 different religions available only religion ever wanted is thawmusism  Civilization V Logic
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