Chuck Norris

When i do push-ups, I'm not really lifting myself up. I'm actually pushing the Earth down.

When i do push-ups, I'm not really lifting myself up. I'm actually pushing the Earth down.  Chuck Norris

Died 30 years ago Death is too afraid to tell him

Died 30 years ago Death is too afraid to tell him  Chuck Norris

Can skip a lake across a rock

Can skip a lake across a rock  Chuck Norris

when i smoke i give the cigs cancer

when i smoke i give the cigs cancer  Chuck Norris

Chuck norris doesn't need uglifyjs he writes his javascript already minified

Chuck norris doesn't need uglifyjs he writes his javascript already minified  Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris Was Cold So he pulled up the sun

Chuck Norris Was Cold So he pulled up the sun  Chuck Norris

Cmon North Korea Nuke me See what happens

Cmon North Korea Nuke me See what happens  Chuck Norris

Why is there a low queue timer on WoW Arenas? They know Thingtwo is online.

Why is there a low queue timer on WoW Arenas? They know Thingtwo is online.  Chuck Norris

Terraria was going to include Chuck Norris as the end boss But he was too afraid of getting destroyed by Yrimir

Terraria was going to include Chuck Norris as the end boss But he was too afraid of getting destroyed by Yrimir  Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris can prove Fermat's Last Theorem in an arbitrarily small margin

Chuck Norris can prove Fermat's Last Theorem  in an arbitrarily small margin  Chuck Norris
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