Chuck Norris

How Many Push-Ups Can Chuck Norris Do? All Of Them

How Many Push-Ups Can Chuck Norris Do? All Of Them  Chuck Norris

Got over a million likes on my facebook status Doesn't have facebook

Got over a million likes on my facebook status Doesn't have facebook  Chuck Norris

When Chuck Norris breaks magnets he gets two monopoles.

When Chuck Norris breaks magnets he gets two monopoles.  Chuck Norris

There is no subreddit for Chuck Norris only a subchucknorris for reddit

There is no subreddit for Chuck Norris only a subchucknorris for reddit  Chuck Norris

Leave no trace? Roundkick face!

Leave no trace? Roundkick face!  Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris is a fan of Joe Arevalo Just like fists are a fan of the face

Chuck Norris is a fan of Joe Arevalo Just like fists are a fan of the face  Chuck Norris

Chuck norris doesnt always drink beer But when he does, he uses a BENDY STARW

Chuck norris doesnt always drink beer But when he does, he uses a BENDY STARW  Chuck Norris

the super glue is made from the spit of chuck norris

the super glue is made from the spit of chuck norris   Chuck Norris

Boogey Man checks under bed For Chuck NOrris

Boogey Man checks under bed For Chuck NOrris  Chuck Norris

I can lift your couch sitting

I can lift your couch sitting  Chuck Norris
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