Chemistry Cat

What do you mean you dont suck dick?

What do you mean you dont suck dick?  Chemistry Cat

Kann den Schritt nicht nachvollziehen Was will er beim BVB?

Kann den Schritt nicht nachvollziehen Was will er beim BVB?  Chemistry Cat

Arsenic and Sodium Putting the AsS in the periodic table

Arsenic and Sodium Putting the AsS in the periodic table  Chemistry Cat

Welcome to IB Chemistry

Welcome to IB Chemistry  Chemistry Cat

Endothermic Reactions? I studied them before they were cool.

Endothermic Reactions? I studied them before they were cool.  Chemistry Cat

Ingin lihat saya dibasahi Natrium, Kalium dan Aluminium? NaKAl !

Ingin lihat saya dibasahi Natrium, Kalium dan Aluminium?  NaKAl !  Chemistry Cat

Hey sexy, wanna see my nucleophile CARBONYL STYLEZ

Hey sexy, wanna see my nucleophile CARBONYL STYLEZ  Chemistry Cat

I used to make science jokes Until i took an arrow to the Ne.

I used to make science jokes Until i took an arrow to the Ne.  Chemistry Cat

You'd think I'm all about chemistry jokes Beryllium not

You'd think I'm all about chemistry jokes Beryllium not  Chemistry Cat

Heisenberg speeds past stop sign. Officer asks if he knew how fast he was going. Heisenberg says he is uncertain.

Heisenberg speeds past stop sign.  Officer asks if he knew how fast he was going. Heisenberg says he is uncertain.  Chemistry Cat
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