Chemistry Cat

Wow, that just blew up on you Oh, well. Oxidants happen!

Wow, that just blew up on you Oh, well.  Oxidants happen!  Chemistry Cat

If you're not part of the solution You're part of the precipitate

If you're not part of the solution You're part of the precipitate  Chemistry Cat

You should check your database... Periodically

You should check your database... Periodically  Chemistry Cat

You are an As (s) + h2O (l) + e-

You are an As (s) + h2O (l) + e-  Chemistry Cat

Congratulations on your full induction to the Cat Bachelor of Arts Society

Congratulations on your full induction to the  Cat Bachelor of Arts Society  Chemistry Cat

Does my pussy smell? You know it!

Does my pussy smell? You know it!
  Chemistry Cat

B? Better luck next time, boron.

B? Better luck next time, boron.  Chemistry Cat

O ReLi?

 O ReLi?  Chemistry Cat

NaCl beats up someone A salt!

NaCl beats up someone A salt!  Chemistry Cat

What did Santa say when he found three Hydroxide ions? HO HO HO

What did Santa say when he found three Hydroxide ions? HO HO HO  Chemistry Cat
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