Cedar Point employee

thursday night at louie's cant get glitter off for days

thursday night at louie's cant get glitter off for days  Cedar Point employee

Guests asks why ride is broken flux capacitor

Guests asks why ride is broken flux capacitor  Cedar Point employee

tattles about memes where's my promotion?

tattles about memes where's my promotion?  Cedar Point employee

Grooming Guidelines No Cornerstone For Me

Grooming Guidelines No Cornerstone For Me  Cedar Point employee

Fake Smile Fire alarms all night

Fake Smile Fire alarms all night  Cedar Point employee

White board on dorm room door draws poop

White board on dorm room door draws poop  Cedar Point employee

guest drops iphone lost and thank you

guest drops iphone lost and thank you  Cedar Point employee

Girlfriend comes to visit avoid boyfriend's ride

Girlfriend comes to visit avoid boyfriend's ride  Cedar Point employee

processing in day! eight hour line

processing in day! eight hour line  Cedar Point employee

Failed High School ATL 2nd day

Failed High School ATL 2nd day  Cedar Point employee
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