Casual Homestuck Fan

Searches store For Toblerones and Faygo

Searches store For Toblerones and Faygo  Casual Homestuck Fan

read everything there is to know about zodiacs and constellations know more about troll characters

read everything there is to know about zodiacs and constellations know more about troll characters  Casual Homestuck Fan

dance to WH4T NOW in public While humming the song

dance to WH4T NOW in public  While humming the song  Casual Homestuck Fan

half of birthday cards had homestuck references in them

half of birthday cards had homestuck references in them  Casual Homestuck Fan

say "bunp" whenever fist bump is given


feel great wearing libra shirt are an aries

feel great wearing libra shirt are an aries  Casual Homestuck Fan

spend a lot of time on the trollmegle forums for no apparent reason

spend a lot of time on the trollmegle forums for no apparent reason  Casual Homestuck Fan

Kill it with fire? No, kill it with the windy thing!

Kill it with fire? No, kill it with the windy thing!  Casual Homestuck Fan

Something bad happens doesn't blame it on vriska

Something bad happens doesn't blame it on vriska  Casual Homestuck Fan
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