Butthurt Dweller

exaggerated proportions wouldn't fuck

exaggerated proportions wouldn't fuck  Butthurt Dweller

complains about karma whoring in image form deletes submission after 4 downvotes

complains about karma whoring in image form deletes submission after 4 downvotes  Butthurt Dweller

went to cty. loved it.

went to cty. loved it.  Butthurt Dweller

this guy is fuckin' ugly.

this guy is fuckin' ugly.   Butthurt Dweller

4chan is right about reddit and memes... it's fucking exhausting how much reddit uses them. Why does everything have to have to be made into that shit?

4chan is right about reddit and memes... it's fucking exhausting how much reddit uses them. Why does everything have to have to be made into that shit?  Butthurt Dweller

Complains about lack of social scene at CNU Only leaves room for class and to-go boxes

Complains about lack of social scene at CNU Only leaves room for class and to-go boxes  Butthurt Dweller

Goes in only noob lobby complains that everybody suck

Goes in only noob lobby  complains that everybody suck  Butthurt Dweller


I LOOK LIKE ANDREW BRIAND...   Butthurt Dweller

Thinks your comment is immature. Places a dildo cannon on the territory

Thinks your comment is immature. Places a dildo cannon on the territory  Butthurt Dweller

steve nash is one of the best players and best persons to ever don a sun's uniform He's gonna play for the Lakers? Fuck that loser!

steve nash is one of the best players and best persons to ever don a sun's uniform He's gonna play for the Lakers? Fuck that loser!  Butthurt Dweller
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