Butthurt Dweller

Just finished watching the Avengers It was MARVEL-OUS

Just finished watching the Avengers It was MARVEL-OUS  Butthurt Dweller

Still a virgin, lives with parents online name: FUCK_Bitches_GET_MONEY

Still a virgin, lives with parents online name: FUCK_Bitches_GET_MONEY  Butthurt Dweller

Buys PS3 to be cool Secretly wants an XBOX 360

Buys PS3 to be cool Secretly wants an XBOX 360  Butthurt Dweller

see interesting til upvote without clicking the link to see if true

see interesting til upvote without clicking the link to see if true  Butthurt Dweller

Jared Voge

Jared Voge  Butthurt Dweller

So, charlie sheen is a warlock but what lv??

So, charlie sheen is a warlock but what lv??   Butthurt Dweller

I cant go out, I dont have any money... what? some band that isnt relevant is selling tickets for $200 a pop?

I cant go out, I dont have any money... what? some band that isnt relevant is selling tickets for $200 a pop?  Butthurt Dweller

dIS... eLEC Xd

dIS... eLEC Xd  Butthurt Dweller

happy birthday jeremy signed, your former guild

happy birthday jeremy signed, your former guild  Butthurt Dweller

It aint rape if you yell surprise!

It aint rape if you yell surprise!  Butthurt Dweller
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