Butthurt Dweller

Salio L.A. Noire Richard, a que hora me pasas a buscar?

Salio L.A. Noire Richard, a que hora me pasas a buscar?  Butthurt Dweller

Says god isn't real and all people who believe in god are idiots Worships Chuck Norris

Says god isn't real and all people who believe in god are idiots Worships Chuck Norris  Butthurt Dweller

... wouldn't bang

... wouldn't bang  Butthurt Dweller

Her face is not cute would not hit that

Her face is not cute would not hit that  Butthurt Dweller

Talks shit about ps3 has never played ps3

Talks shit about ps3 has never played ps3  Butthurt Dweller

OZZY CAMPOS I Hope Kara Never Finds Out What I Look Like IRL

OZZY CAMPOS I Hope Kara Never Finds Out What I Look Like IRL  Butthurt Dweller

Fite me irl fggt I trane ufc

Fite me irl fggt I trane ufc  Butthurt Dweller

Guy cuts in front of him in line Calls him a hacker

Guy cuts in front of him in line Calls him a hacker  Butthurt Dweller

Doesn't like PDA Has a Palm Pilot

Doesn't like PDA Has a Palm Pilot  Butthurt Dweller

I hate Justin bieber

I hate Justin bieber  Butthurt Dweller
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