Butthurt Dweller

Still lives with his mom still gets caught masturbating to anime Caption 3 goes here

Still lives with his mom still gets caught masturbating to anime  Caption 3 goes here  Butthurt Dweller

Lucas totally lost his touch maaan! Anything Star Wars made less than 27 years ago is sacrilege! Is 19 years old!

Lucas totally lost his touch maaan! Anything Star Wars made less than 27 years ago is sacrilege!   Is 19 years old!  Butthurt Dweller

Who needs a girlfriend .. when your level 100 wizard in world of warcraft

Who needs a girlfriend .. when your level 100 wizard in world of warcraft   Butthurt Dweller

DayZ Server Locked? ADMIN ABUSE!

DayZ Server Locked? ADMIN ABUSE!  Butthurt Dweller

Ugg boots on an extremely attractive female? Would not bang

Ugg boots on an extremely attractive female? Would not bang  Butthurt Dweller

Beyonces legs are bigger than mine Would not bang

Beyonces legs are bigger than mine Would not bang  Butthurt Dweller

Say-y-y-y-y... You are del.icio.us

Say-y-y-y-y... You are del.icio.us  Butthurt Dweller

Gets date with hot chick cancels for wow raid

Gets date with hot chick cancels for wow raid  Butthurt Dweller

Firm breasts are more important than size of them

Firm breasts are more important than size of them  Butthurt Dweller

Shakeweight Genius

Shakeweight Genius  Butthurt Dweller
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