Butthurt Dweller

Laments rarity of lady nerds Mocks self-proclaimed nerd women for not being nerdy enough

Laments rarity of lady nerds Mocks self-proclaimed nerd women for not being nerdy enough  Butthurt Dweller

Judge girl for sleeping around ask for nudes

Judge girl for sleeping around ask for nudes  Butthurt Dweller

complains about the trolls on reddit spends 3 hours a day on 4chan

complains about the trolls on reddit spends 3 hours a day on 4chan  Butthurt Dweller

You're a Girl gamer? You must be fat and ugly.

You're a Girl gamer? You must be fat and ugly.  Butthurt Dweller

Gets shitted on by a girl Decides to live in his room for the rest his life and make facebook statuses about her

Gets shitted on by a girl Decides to live in his room for the rest his life and make facebook statuses about her  Butthurt Dweller

a guy with muscles? he must be on roids

a guy with muscles? he must be on roids  Butthurt Dweller

plays call of duty for 12 hours straight, every day says he games "moderately"

plays call of duty for 12 hours straight, every day says he games

oh no you didn't

oh no you didn't  Butthurt Dweller

runs everything in one availability zone aws sucks

runs everything in one availability zone aws sucks  Butthurt Dweller

Andy plays Poppy ? gg

Andy plays Poppy ? gg  Butthurt Dweller
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