Butthurt Dweller

Makes Jokes about fast food workers doesn't have a job

Makes Jokes about fast food workers doesn't have a job  Butthurt Dweller

Makes fun of fatties in zombie movies can run a mile in 20 minutes

Makes fun of fatties in zombie movies can run a mile in 20 minutes  Butthurt Dweller

isn't hot in one out of 24 frames per second wouldn't bang

isn't hot in one out of 24 frames per second  wouldn't bang  Butthurt Dweller

winning a fight on facebook is like winning the paraolympics you may win, but in the end your still a retard

winning a fight on facebook is like winning the paraolympics you may win, but in the  end your still a retard  Butthurt Dweller

the sun is out today better open my window

the sun is out today better open my window  Butthurt Dweller

Only dates i've got Are Updates

Only dates i've got Are Updates  Butthurt Dweller

Exhausted from approaching women. Approached 1 woman in 3 years yesterday.

Exhausted from approaching women. Approached 1 woman in 3 years yesterday.  Butthurt Dweller

Thinks the government needs to pay off its debt Wants the government to borrow more money from China build a death star

Thinks the government needs to pay off its debt Wants the government to borrow more money from China build a death star  Butthurt Dweller

Hates Hipsters Uses Ubuntu because Windows 7 is too mainstream

Hates Hipsters Uses Ubuntu because Windows 7 is too mainstream  Butthurt Dweller

Sam Starr Elitist Meme critic

Sam Starr Elitist Meme critic  Butthurt Dweller
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