Butthurt Dweller

says ap master yi is tryhard instalock ad janna

says ap master yi is tryhard instalock  ad janna  Butthurt Dweller

Black/10 Wouldn't bang

Black/10 Wouldn't bang  Butthurt Dweller

Jessica Nigri is a slut because she charges people for pictures with her I want her to want me for me

Jessica Nigri is a slut because she charges people for pictures with her I want her to want me for me  Butthurt Dweller

Downvotes everything submits nothing

Downvotes everything submits nothing  Butthurt Dweller

makes fun of people who get offended by memes is offended by others' memes

makes fun of people who get offended by memes is offended by others' memes  Butthurt Dweller

83a Orangatang Durians wouldn't bang

83a Orangatang Durians wouldn't bang  Butthurt Dweller


OH, ANGELINA JOLIE? SHE'S A 2/10 IN MY BOOK  Butthurt Dweller

She still has a myspace dealbreaker

She still has a myspace dealbreaker  Butthurt Dweller

right-winger who ranted about clinton's blowjob his dick has never been in a woman's mouth (but would be in his own if he could reach)

right-winger who ranted about clinton's blowjob his dick has never been in a woman's mouth (but would be in his own if he could reach)  Butthurt Dweller

Real Life Never heard of that server

Real Life Never heard of that server  Butthurt Dweller
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