Butthurt Dweller

Grows long hair to look like legolas Totally made it!

Grows long hair to look like legolas Totally made it!  Butthurt Dweller

Skyrim isn't that amazing... My Little Pony totally did horse physics better.

Skyrim isn't that amazing... My Little Pony totally did horse physics better.  Butthurt Dweller

Rages for Months waiting for new bf3 patch Famas and Mav nerfed? Dice worse than hitler

Rages for Months waiting for new bf3 patch Famas and Mav nerfed? Dice worse than hitler  Butthurt Dweller

Mikolaj to nie imie Mikolaj to no life

Mikolaj to nie imie Mikolaj to no life  Butthurt Dweller

Complain about Crysis 2 graphics plays deus ex instead

Complain about Crysis 2 graphics plays deus ex instead  Butthurt Dweller

what a joke they think they can copyright jokes

what a joke they think they can copyright jokes  Butthurt Dweller

[2/18/2012 4:51:48 PM] Nick Janeczko: god damnit i miss wow

 [2/18/2012 4:51:48 PM] 
Nick Janeczko: god damnit
 i miss wow  Butthurt Dweller

Makes a female night elf masturbates

Makes a female night elf masturbates  Butthurt Dweller

Orgy? I think you mean 'Multiplayer'

Orgy? I think you mean 'Multiplayer'  Butthurt Dweller

Posts retarded lil wayne diss gets butthurt when people thumb it down

Posts retarded lil wayne diss gets butthurt when people thumb it down  Butthurt Dweller
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