Butthurt Dweller

First off She's ugly I do not find mexicans attractive At least I assume that's whta she is

First off She's ugly I do not find mexicans attractive At least I assume that's whta she is  Butthurt Dweller

Loud, invasive, heartless. Says some of the most cruelest things to others under the guise of free speech and Any complaint, reaction or emotional trauma to his abuse only proves his position correct and they should "grow a pair". Reacts to any insult wit

Loud, invasive, heartless. Says some of the most cruelest things to others under the guise of free speech and Any complaint, reaction or emotional trauma to his abuse only proves his position correct and they should

I struck out in slow-pitch softball...

I struck out in slow-pitch softball...  Butthurt Dweller

Chris Quintas: Call other kids addicts play call of duty for 6 hours a day

Chris Quintas: Call other kids addicts play call of duty for 6 hours a day  Butthurt Dweller

Gilrfriend? On what level is it?

Gilrfriend? On what level is it?  Butthurt Dweller

Hey i just met you and this is crazy get in the van

Hey i just met you and this is crazy get in the van  Butthurt Dweller

World of Warcraft Subscription ran out No point living

World of Warcraft Subscription ran out No point living  Butthurt Dweller

Has Explosive diarrhea Misses Bowl

Has Explosive diarrhea Misses Bowl  Butthurt Dweller

$25 dollars for a mount that everyone else is going to have? What a waste. Spends 200 hours rep grinding for a mount everyone got in TBC

$25 dollars for a mount that everyone else is going to have? What a waste. Spends 200 hours rep grinding for a mount everyone got in TBC  Butthurt Dweller

What do you mean I'm fired Michael Stancati

What do you mean I'm fired Michael Stancati  Butthurt Dweller
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