Business Cat

The TSA gave me a thorough patdown i love the tsa

The TSA gave me a thorough patdown i love the tsa  Business Cat

Sadly, our insurance plan doesn't cover your cancer medication.

Sadly, our insurance plan doesn't cover your cancer medication.  Business Cat

I'm going to need some references on that

 I'm going to need some references on that  Business Cat

I refuse to hire until the unnecessary litter box regulations are lifted.

I refuse to hire until the unnecessary litter box regulations are lifted.  Business Cat

Did you get that thing I sent you?

 Did you get that thing I sent you?  Business Cat

DOG EAT DOG WORLD? That's a business plan I can get behind.

DOG EAT DOG WORLD? That's a business plan I can get behind.  Business Cat

you scratch my back... ...i'll scratch the shit out of your hand

you scratch my back... ...i'll scratch the shit out of your hand  Business Cat

The board asked me to make something out of nothing So I coughed up a hairball

The board asked me to make something out of nothing So I coughed up a hairball   Business Cat

Let's touch bases

 Let's touch bases  Business Cat

So we've implemented a new dress code only black shirts covered in fur

So we've implemented a new dress code only black shirts covered in fur  Business Cat
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