Buddy jesus

Need an ark? I noah guy.

Need an ark? I noah guy.  Buddy jesus

YOLO? Not for me motherfuckers!!

YOLO? Not for me motherfuckers!!  Buddy jesus



Wine recipe? 2 cups water, 3 drops food coloring lol

Wine recipe? 2 cups water, 3 drops food coloring lol  Buddy jesus

That sounds like A you problem

That sounds like A you problem  Buddy jesus

entran a clases se suspenden por misa

entran a clases se suspenden por misa  Buddy jesus

rises from the grave during walking dead season finale

rises from the grave during walking dead season finale  Buddy jesus

Dies for your sins, and so you can have a week off for spring break

Dies for your sins, and so you can have a week off for spring break  Buddy jesus

Bitches get stitches

Bitches get stitches   Buddy jesus

John 2:4 (ESV) And Jesus said to her, "Woman, what does this have to do with me?"

John 2:4 (ESV) And Jesus said to her,
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