
Always uses present perfect tense Forces Uncle to suck Grandmother's dick

Always uses present perfect tense Forces Uncle to suck Grandmother's dick  Breadfriend

Fucks your girlfriend in the butt SUCKS his own DICK

Fucks your girlfriend in the butt SUCKS his own DICK  Breadfriend

Sees you raging at Bioware For Launch Day DLC Sucks Your Dick

Sees you raging at Bioware For Launch Day DLC Sucks Your Dick  Breadfriend

Cleaning the house Vacuums your dick

Cleaning the house Vacuums your dick  Breadfriend

Nobody uses this subreddit Because it sucks dick

Nobody uses this subreddit Because it sucks dick  Breadfriend

Was going to be a sandwich But then started sucking your dick

Was going to be a sandwich But then started sucking your dick  Breadfriend

Hey wanna play some minecraft sucks your dick instead. twice. only on tuesdays. even if there is a fire. bless you. you do you.

Hey wanna play some minecraft sucks your dick instead. twice. only on tuesdays. even if there is a fire. bless you. you do you.  Breadfriend

Seriously Sucks Dick

Seriously  Sucks Dick  Breadfriend

This Subreddit is dead Suck its dick

This Subreddit is dead Suck its dick  Breadfriend

"Hey, did you know that I'm dyslexic?" Sicks your duck

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