Bill O Reilly

wake up with no hangover on a saturday morning at 8 am you can't explain that

wake up with no hangover on a saturday morning at 8 am you can't explain that  Bill O Reilly

The Blue Book of Riddles doesn't have riddles! Can't explain that!

The Blue Book of Riddles doesn't have riddles! Can't explain that!  Bill O Reilly

Redstone goes in, Obsidian Comes out You can't explain that

Redstone goes in, Obsidian Comes out You can't explain that  Bill O Reilly

Money goes in - food comes out You can't explain that.

Money goes in - food comes out You can't explain that.  Bill O Reilly

The Crusades You can't explain that

The Crusades You can't explain that  Bill O Reilly

downvoting roman gets upvotes can't explain that

downvoting roman
gets upvotes can't explain that  Bill O Reilly

Donald Glover's a famous Hipster. you can't explain that!

Donald Glover's a famous Hipster. you can't explain that!  Bill O Reilly

Officer Ryan Foster used the wide object formula You can't explain that.

Officer Ryan Foster used the wide object formula  You can't explain that.  Bill O Reilly

Has popped collar yet remains a good guy Can't explain that

Has popped collar yet remains a good guy Can't explain that  Bill O Reilly

Dio died and Ozzy is still alive you can't explain that!

Dio died and Ozzy is still alive you can't explain that!  Bill O Reilly
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